New rules for oilfield waste threaten ranchers and environmentDallas ExaminerMedia Coverage | Sep 05, 2024

By Schuyler Wight

From the article:

On the ranch that I live on, there are scars from pits that are over 50 years old. They are permanent dead zones because of the salts, chlorides, and chemicals from the drilling mud and cuttings left over from wells drilled for oil and gas exploration. Reserve pits account for 70% of oilfield waste by volume, and the Railroad Commission wants to continue the current practice of not regulating them. (…)

The Railroad Commission is not interested in the trials and travails of ranchers and people who have to live, grow livestock, or farm in and amongst the oilfields. However, if enough folks comment, and call their state legislators and demand that the rule changes include reserve pits, it will put pressure to keep the requirement to include reserve pits in the final rule change.

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