
As toxic water flows at Lake Boehmer, regulators fight over who’s responsible for the massive leakMarfa Public RadioMedia Coverage

By Mitch Borden
April 22, 2024

From the article:

“This well is on no map. We went through historical maps, we looked at everything, this is not an oil well,” Danny Sorrells, the Railroad Commission’s director of oil and gas, explained. “Our number one goal, the way I look at it, is to protect the freshwater of the state of Texas.”

But, according to Palacios, it doesn’t make sense that the leak in Crane County was plugged and then celebrated by Railroad Commission officials, while the regulator ignores Lake Boehmer.

“In some ways, it sort of feels like they are just digging in their heels on this like multi-year black eye that they’ve had with Boehmer Lake,” she said, “They just don’t want the other side to win.”


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