Aerial view of a fracking site in the U.S. (Photo credit: Adobe Stock/mitchbowers)
From the article:
The problem in Texas is that CO2 storage is supposed to be regulated as a Class VI well, which has its own set of technical requirements and regulations. But Palacios said there is a danger that companies may obtain Class II permits under the guise of using it for enhanced oil recovery, and then convert them to Class VI permits.
“It’s a much easier process to get a Class II injection well permit, and then you could turn it into a long-term Class VI storage facility by going through a much easier administrative process, not having to do all the stuff that you have to do if you’re just starting out as a Class VI well,” Palacios said.
Even as Texas fails to address the growing environmental fallout from drilling waste, it may be on the verge of compounding the problem with a growing trend of CO2 storage.
“I think they’re real risks to the public of that kind of a process being allowed to take place,” Palacios said.
Read the full article here