Commission Shift hosted a Capitol Visit for supporters to collaborate and educate their representatives about legislative priorities related to oil and gas safety and accountability.
Over 40 attendees came to learn more about orphaned wells, carbon capture and storage, and how to find your voice in advocacy and relay concerns to legislators.
The two-day event kicked off with an orientation on Wednesday Feb. 26 with education workshops led by Commission Shift staff. Policy manager Julie Range presented on the importance of plugging inactive and orphaned wells promptly, limiting plugging extensions, and defining wells accurately. Read more about the classification of wells in Texas here. Supporters used this knowledge to better educate their representatives and legislative staff on the issue.
Mary Luna first learned about Commission Shift just two weeks ago, after hearing Program Coordinator Jose Corpus speak in her community. She is worried about access to clean water in Asherton, TX now that companies are drilling for oil near her home.
“I didn’t know where to go,” Luna said. “You know, people don’t know where to go. But now a door [opened] for our town, for our community.” Through Commission Shift, she has learned more about well drilling and plugging.
Additionally, attendees participated in breakout sessions and collaborative exercises led by Organizing Director Marté Valadez. People from all regions of the state gathered to support each other’s stories and policy interests. In a group reflection about the orientation, participants said they felt excited, connected, enthusiastic, empowered, and hopeful for the future. “¡Si se puede!” one participant shared. Yes we can.
The evening closed out with an optional Indigenous-led prayer by Valentin Ruiz and Keila Sanchez. Participants set prayers and intentions for the Capitol Visit and sent them up into the sky.
The following morning, the delegation regrouped for a session to discuss advocacy plans for the legislative visits.
Then, it was time to mobilize. The morning delegation took place from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and the afternoon delegation from 1:30 PM to 3:30 p.m.
Longtime advocate Hamilton Richards attended the Capitol Visit in support after learning about Commission Shift from his organization, Citizens Climate Lobby.
According to Richards, visiting legislators and staffers is “always a pleasant experience. And you have the feeling you’re doing something worthwhile as well. It really does make a difference.”
Small groups of constituents set out to talk to their representatives. This legislative session, Commission Shift’s concerns include notifying legislators about the dangers of unplugged wells and how they pose risks to groundwater safety, air quality, and human health, and how they burden taxpayers with undue stress.
Participants were able to share their personal stories, knowledge, and concerns with legislators and their staff. Representatives’ offices also received a copy of Commission Shift’s Legislative Priorities one-pager, which outlines our key concerns with oil and gas oversight and what the Legislature can do to combat them.
Sister Elizabeth Riebschlager, community advocate and advisor from San Antonio, was excited to visit the Capitol with Commission Shift.
”When [Commission Shift] started to aim at the Railroad Commission for reform’s sake, I thought ‘this is exactly where someone has to take this part of the movement,’” Sister Elizabeth said. “I was very happy to be associated with it. That’s how I got involved and my congregation fully supports this.”
After the meetings, groups left feeling energized and hopeful for the remainder of the legislative session.
“I woke up inspired and feeling just a little bit better about the world because of each of you, our engaged community,” Policy Manager Range said in a message to event attendees.
Commission Shift Action is committed to furthering momentum after this dynamic and engaging event — and you can join us! Call and email your representatives and share your own story. We need your help in making our voices heard this legislative session. Use the step-by-step guide created by Commission Shift to contact your representatives and express your concerns surrounding oil and gas development in Texas.