Testimony Before the Senate Natural Resources and Economic Development Committee, Against SB 2107Testimonies | Mar 29, 2023

“Commission Shift is a statewide nonpartisan nonprofit organization focused on building public
support to hold the Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) accountable to its mission in a shifting energy
landscape. On Friday, I was selected to serve on a White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)
Task Force providing input to inform the responsible development of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and
Sequestration (CCUS) on non-Federal lands.

I am testifying against SB 2107. Commission Shift disagrees that it is necessary to transfer
liability to the state immediately or within 10 years after well closure. EPA Underground Injection
Control (UIC) rules for Class II and Class VI carbon dioxide wells focus on protecting underground
sources of drinking water and have nothing to do with ensuring that carbon dioxide leaks to the
atmosphere are prevented.”

Read and Download the Testimony Here

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