Texas Railroad Commission wants authority over dangerous and experimental carbon capture wellsHouston ChronicleMedia Coverage | Jul 05, 2024

State energy industry regulator fails to adequately oversee oil and gas wells; commissioners reject climate change.


By Chris Tomlinson
July 5, 2024

Foul black water has erupted from another West Texas well in the same area as one that flowed toxic water for weeks and inspired a controversial no-fly zone in December. Sarah Stogner

From the article:

Virginia Palacios, executive director of the watchdog group Commission Shift, confronted Christian and the other two commissioners at a public hearing the next week. She demanded they leave carbon capture to the EPA and focus on wells used to dispose of toxic oil field wastewater, known as Class II wells.

Responding to a petition from Commission Shift, the EPA has launched a review of how Christian and his colleague regulate wastewater wells.



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