Waskom landowners detail concerns, two-year battle over oilfield waste siteMarshall News MessengerMedia Coverage | Nov 06, 2023

Robin Y. Richardson
November 6, 2023

From the article:

In efforts to gain support of their cause, Commission Shift solicited signatures on an online petition, which asks the Railroad Commission to strengthen waste pit rules and hold meaningful engagement sessions with impacted community members.

“Commission Shift asked for public workshops so that the RRC could gather feedback and implement the feedback into the amendments,” Commission Shift wrote the News Messenger. “They agreed to hold two workshops: one in person at their Austin offices and the other virtually. While we consider this an excellent move in the right direction, it is not enough. We are continuing to ask the RRC for more opportunities for the public to give feedback and ask questions about the rule.”

Read the full article here. 

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