
Water Ya Gonna Do When the EPA Comes for You?JDSupraMedia Coverage | Sep 03, 2024

By Olivia Gibbs, co-author Madison Schrutka
September 3, 2024

From the article:

In March 2024, the Commission Shift and Clean Water Action formally petitioned the EPA arguing that the RRC’s neglect to properly comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act is sufficient to repeal the RRC’s primary authority to oversee its Class II injection well program. As an end goal, the petitioners hope that the EPA’s evaluation will generate greater accountability for the RRC and enforce more impenetrable protections for our water resources.

On May 23, 2024, the EPA responded to the petitioners’ request and announced that a review will be conducted into the RRC’s alleged improper oversight of the program. Meanwhile, the RRC continues to vouch for its compliance with the federal standards and its “long-standing history of regulating underground injection that is protective of the environment and public safety.”


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