Orphaned and Inactive Wells Maps

Unplugged Wells Maps

Orphaned Wells Map

Number of orphaned wells by Texas County. Source: Railroad Commission of Texas. Orphan Wells with Delinquent P-5 Greater Than 12 Months.

Orphaned wells have no active operator on file with the Railroad Commission of Texas. The wells on this list have been inactive at least 12 months, and the operator’s organization report (P-5) has also been delinquent for at least 12 months.

Note: The count of wells depicted by each color symbol are different in the orphaned wells map compared to the inactive wells map. See legend for details.

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Inactive Wells Map

Number of inactive unplugged wells by Texas County. Source: Railroad Commission of Texas. Inactive Well Aging Report.

Inactive wells are those with an active operator that have been inactive for at least 12 months. These wells do not meet the definition of “orphaned wells.” Operators are still responsible for plugging these wells.

Note: The count of wells depicted by each color symbol are different in the orphaned wells map compared to the inactive wells map. See legend for details.