Carbon Capture, Use, and Storage

Carbon Capture, Use, and Storage

As interest grows in carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) as a way to reduce carbon pollution in the atmosphere, Commission Shift is dubious about the possibility of the Railroad Commission, the state oil and gas agency, regulating carbon dioxide (CO2) pipelines or injection wells in Texas. The Railroad Commission has sought approval from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate Class VI CO2 injection wells, which are a key part of the CCUS process, and are supposed to ensure the greenhouse gas emissions remain permanently sequestered underground. Based on the commission’s poor track record of protecting air, water and land, we are opposing the Railroad Commission’s request for “primacy” to be the sole permitting and regulatory authority in Texas for Class VI wells.

Many Texas communities along the Gulf Coast, the Eagle Ford Shale, and the Permian Basin are predominantly people of color, low income, and/or are already overburdened by pollution from heavy industrial activity and poor state oversight. Environmental justice communities in Texas will continue to be disproportionately affected by CCUS approaches, and our communities’ concerns and proposals deserve serious consideration. Read more: Commission Shift statement on CCUS.

Texas CCUS Map (vApr2021)
Map Source: Baker Institute

Tell the EPA: Don’t let carbon waste injection poison our future!

Sign the petition

New Carbon Capture and Storage Resource Hub for Texas Communities

A new educational and empowerment tool for Texas communities facing carbon capture and storage (CCS) infrastructure buildout is now available. The tool’s ArcGIS maps allow users to visualize where legacy wells, drinking water resources, and hazardous pipelines are located, as well as where historic incidents have occurred. The tool also features stories of CCS projects in the Permian Basin and along the Gulf Coast, and includes additional information on the history of CCS buildout and ways to take action to prevent CCS projects from jeopardizing our communities and our environment.

Access the tool here

EPA to Review Texas’ Oil and Gas Injection Well Program

Commission Shift is pleased to announce that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has responded to our petition, committing to a thorough review of the Railroad Commission of Texas’ (RRC’s) implementation of their Class II Underground Injection Control (UIC) program. The EPA’s UIC program is intended to protect underground sources of drinking water. This critical step marks a milestone in our ongoing efforts to ensure the protection of Texas’ water resources and the health and safety of our communities.

Read the full press release here

Check out our CCUS Deep Dive Webinar Series!


12.04.2024 Media Coverage

Public hearing on methane emissions Wednesday in Laredo KGNS Laredo

09.23.2024 Media Coverage

Carbon capture hurts Texas communities and taxpayers Austin American-Statesman

09.05.2024 Media Coverage

EPA proposes first-of-a-kind CO2 storage permits in Texas Energy Wire

08.12.2024 Publications    The Workover Blog   

Commission Shift Brochures

08.09.2024 Media Coverage

Ranchers reported abandoned oil wells spewing wastewater. A new study blames fracking. Inside Climate NewsThe Texas Tribune

07.29.2024 Media Coverage

Oil and gas injection wells risk to groundwater in Texas Gas Outlook

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Texas opens more coastal waters for carbon storage wells The Texas Tribune

05.14.2024 Media Coverage

IRS urged to bolster oversight of CCS tax credit Politico

01.29.2024 Media Coverage

Everything is bigger in Texas, including the hydrogen Cipher News

12.22.2023 Media Coverage    Statement from Commission Shift   

Carbon capture lets Big Oil off the hook. We’re footing the bill. Houston Chronicle

11.06.2023 Media Coverage

Texas Sees ‘Bonanza’ in Carbon Storage Market Capital and Main

11.05.2023 Media Coverage

The Green Fuel That Even Red America Loves Wall Street Journal

10.06.2023 Media Coverage    The Workover Blog   

Orphan Wells Interview featuring Commission Shift’s Paige Powell KPFT Houston

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CO2 storage project planned for West Texas Energy Wire

07.18.2023 Media Coverage

Texas Democrats split on state’s role in carbon capture Houston Chronicle

05.01.2023 Media Coverage

EPA proposal advances La. bid to oversee CO2 wells Energy Wire

04.17.2023 Media Coverage

Why injecting CO2 underground is a legal morass Energy Wire

04.10.2023 The Workover Blog

Carbon Capture Awareness Month

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